PGIM India ELSS Tax Saver Fund
- Date of Inception: Direct Plan: December 11, 2015.
- ^Above returns are CAGR - Compounded Annual Growth Rate.
- ** Scheme Benchmark. # Standard Benchmark. *Based on standard investment of Rs.10,000 made at the beginning of the relevant period.
- Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and should not be used as a basis for comparison with other investments.
- Different plans have a different expense structure. The above returns are as on January 31, 2025.
- The performance provided is for Direct Plan - Growth Option.

The fund actively manages a diversified portfolio of strong growth companies with sustainable business models The fund will invest through a bottom up stock–by–stock selection across market cap spectrum, with consideration given to price–to–earnings, price–to–book, and price–to–sales ratios, as well as growth, margins, asset returns, and cash flows, amongst others.
The company–wise analysis will focus, amongst others, on the historical and current financial condition of the company, potential value creation/unlocking of value and its impact on earnings growth, capital structure, business prospects, policy environment, strength of management, responsiveness to business conditions, product profile, brand equity, market share, competitive edge, research, technological know–how and transparency in corporate governance.
Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS) offers you the dual advantage of tax-saving and wealth creation in the long run. ELSS funds carry the lowest lock-in period of three years under the various tax-saving products eligible under Section 80C. ELSS offers the convenience of investing through Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) and lumpsum. Moreover, you can start your investment with as low as Rs 500 through SIP.
PGIM India Long Term Equity Fund is an open-ended Equity Linked Savings Scheme with lock-in of 3 years and offers tax benefit under section 80 C of the Income Tax Act 1961. The fund invests in companies across a wide range of sectors and market capitalization.
- Suitable for investors looking to create wealth.
- Ideal for long term goals such as retirement.
- Possibility of earning income in the lock in period by way of Income Distribution cum Capital
- Withdrawal (IDCW) i.e. Dividend.
- Investors in the highest tax bracket opting for old regime can save Rs 46,800 on investment of Rs. 1.5 lakh.
- Lock-in of 3 years helps investors tide over volatility and reap the benefit of long term investing.
Though the fund has a lock-in period of 3 years, investors can remain invested in the fund to benefit from long term compounding growth and meet their long term goals.
You can decide to allocate lumpsum or SIP as per your cash flows. It is advisable to start your tax planning at the start of the financial year to avoid any last minute rush. Investing through SIP helps you accumulate more units when markets fall.
You can invest through multiple options:
- Website: You can invest through PGIM India Website by creating your profile and submitting identity details, and bank account information, and becoming KYC compliant.
- RIA/MFD: You can also invest through a Registered Investment Adviser or Mutual Fund distributor registered with SEBI/AMFI.
- Industry Portal: You can also invest through MF Utility or MF Central portals.
- Do consult your financial advisor before investing to understand if the fund fits into your risk profile.
- You can invest lumpsum as well as through SIP mode.
- The minimum application amount under this fund is Rs 500 for a lumpsum transaction. You can invest a minimum of Rs 500 as additional investment.
- SIP: Any date of the month or quarter, as applicable.
- STP: Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly. 5 instalments of Rs.1,000/- and in multiples of Rs.1/-.
- SWP: Monthly, Quarterly and Annually.
Investments redeemed on or after 23rd July 2024.
- Holding Period (To qualify for LTCG): 12 months
- Short Term Capital Gains Tax: 20%
- Long Term Capital Gains Tax: 12.5% (with an exemption up to INR 1.25 lakhs)
Plus surcharge and cess as may be applicable on the above rates. (Applicable under the old tax regime)
- Long-term capital appreciation
- To generate long term capital appreciation by predominantly investing in equity & equity related instruments and to enable eligible investors to avail deduction from total income, as permitted under the income tax Act 1961, as amended from time to time.
- Degree of risk - VERY HIGH

The risk of the Benchmark is
Very High
The risk of the Benchmark is Very High